Stop pollution of Maui coral reefs

Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 2/27/2019  The Clean Water Act (CWA), which took shape during the early 1970s, bans the dumping of pollutants directly into surface waters, ranging from wetlands and rivers to oceans. Whether the federal law’s prohibition also should apply to indirect dumping that has the same effect is a matter expected to go before the nation’s highest court later this year.  At the center of the debate is Maui’s Lahaina Wastewater Reclamation Facility, which injects … Read more

Lahaina Injection Wells Lawsuit: Enough Already! Just Fix the Problem

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser agrees – Enough already, Maui County! Stop trying to appeal the lawsuit and start fixing the problem!   Call/Email the Mayor & Maui Council Chair and say “ENOUGH ALREADY! Stop wasting the public’s money to defend illegal injection wells in West Maui. Spend the money instead on fixing the problem!” Mayor Alan Arakawa 270-7855 Council Chair Mike White 270-5507   Background: $3 million down the toilet – Enough Already! The County … Read more

Sign Petition: Fund reclaimed water infrastructure

Dear Maui County Mayor and Council, We the undersigned urge you to dedicate sufficient funds in the upcoming budget to fund needed infrastructure at our wastewater plants to transport and store treated water for irrigation use wherever possible. Our Maui Island Plan calls for phasing out of injection wells and the ocean pollution they cause by 2020. Please help us all meet this goal. [emailpetition id=”3″]

Sierra Club Wins Lahaina Injection Sewage Lawsuit

From Civil Beat Since the early 1990s, Maui County has been aware of a probable connection between the wastewater it injects into the ground below the Lahaina sewage treatment plant and the nearby coastal waters. And for almost as long, it has clung to the position that despite growing evidence of the connection, it did not need to obtain the permit under the Clean Water Act that would allow it to legally discharge pollutants. … … Read more