Stop pollution of Maui coral reefs

Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 2/27/2019  The Clean Water Act (CWA), which took shape during the early 1970s, bans the dumping of pollutants directly into surface waters, ranging from wetlands and rivers to oceans. Whether the federal law’s prohibition also should apply to indirect dumping that has the same effect is a matter expected to go before the nation’s highest court later this year.  At the center of the debate is Maui’s Lahaina Wastewater Reclamation Facility, which injects … Read more

Lahaina Injection Wells Lawsuit: Enough Already! Just Fix the Problem

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser agrees – Enough already, Maui County! Stop trying to appeal the lawsuit and start fixing the problem!   Call/Email the Mayor & Maui Council Chair and say “ENOUGH ALREADY! Stop wasting the public’s money to defend illegal injection wells in West Maui. Spend the money instead on fixing the problem!” Mayor Alan Arakawa 270-7855 Council Chair Mike White 270-5507   Background: $3 million down the toilet – Enough Already! The County … Read more

Federal Court Rules That Maui County Is Violating Clean Water Act

County subject to millions in penalties for illegal discharges from Lahaina injection wells Honolulu – On Friday, May 30, 2014, the federal district court in Honolulu ruled that Maui County’s use of injection wells at its Lahaina Wastewater Reclamation Facility violates the federal Clean Water Act.  The court concluded that most of the three to five million gallons of wastewater the County dumps into the wells each day flows through groundwater and emerges offshore of … Read more

EPA Agreement Finalized For Full Disinfection of Lahaina Wastewater Facility

After much foot-dragging, nay-saying and denial, Maui County finally agreed to clean up Lahaina wastewater going into injection wells after being threatened by a Maui Group Sierra Club lawsuit. Read about it at Maui Now


BACKGROUND After 3 (’55, ’59 & ’79) attempts to create a safe harbor at Ma`alaea, the Army Corps of Engineers has proposed a plan for construction of a 620 ft breakwater, and blasting of a new channel. The plan is a relic of 1960’s planning and holds losses for nearly every group of harbor users, surrounding residences and businesses. Since the Army Corps plan is based on models, there is no guarantee that their $10 … Read more