Sierra Club Booth at the Haiku Ho’olaule’a

Sierra Club Booth April 12

Haiku Ho’olaule’a

We need YOU for our most important fundraiser.

Please donate plants to the Sierra Club booth (no invasives)
Food plants are most welcome
Samoan coconut starts sell well

Bring your plant donations Friday April 11th noon-4pm and Saturday morning.
Haiku Community Center on Hana Hwy. Look for the Sierra Club booth.  We’ll be setting up.
Or reply to this email and we can arrange a pick up earlier in the week.

We also need VOLUNTEERS.

Truck drivers to pick up donations
Setup volunteers Friday noon-4pm
People to man the booth Saturday April 12 in 2 hour shifts
Tear down volunteers April 12 5-7pm

This is a fun event and a great way to meet your fellow Sierra Club members

Please email webmaster (at) if you can help