Protecting and Preserving Maui Nui’s Environment & Important Cultural Sites for Over 40 Years

Rob Parson’s 2nd Article

Read Rob Parsons First Article Read DuByne’s Response to Parsons’ first article The Rob Report Maui Time April 5, 2007 Back in February, I got an email from David DuByne, a former Maui resident now working on bio-fuel development and organic farming projects in Northern Thailand. He had read my Feb. 15, 2007 article, “Potential Energy” and wrote to tell me he had just finished a book on biofuels. He said the book was written … Read more

The Rob Report (From Maui Time)

We have met the enemy, and he is us. -Walt Kelly’s Pogo The 1960’s were a time when Cold War politics dictated that Americans live in fear of the Soviets dropping “the big one,” a nuclear bomb. Thousands of families constructed and stocked backyard fallout shelters. Elementary school children drilled “drop and cover” maneuvers beneath their desks. Fortunately, that bomb never dropped. But, late in the decade there was another explosion of sorts. In 1968, … Read more

Biodiesel & Ethanol Net Energy

Read Rob Parsons Article to which DuByne is responding Read Rob Parsons Response to the DuByne letter   Letter to Maui Time by David DuByne April 5, 2007 (Headings and empahasis added by webmaster) Oilwell Production is Down To follow up on the article “Potential Energy” by Rob Parsons in your Feb. 15, 2007 edition, we first need to understand why the switch to ethanol is happening. It’s called oil depletion or peak oil. Inside … Read more

Palm Oil

From Environmental Management for Palm Oil Mill by A. H-Kittikun et al. One ton of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) composed of 230-250 kg of empty fruit bunch (EFB), 130-150 kg of fiber, 60-65 kg of shell and 55-60 kg of kernel and 160-200 kg of crude oil. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is the mixture of high polluted effluent (from sterilizer and oil room) and low polluted effluent (steam condensate, cooling water, boiler discharge and sanitary … Read more


From which is conducting water usage studies on Jatropha in Africa. The Jatropha curcas tree, originates from Mexico. It’s oil-producing seeds (30%-35% oil) and entire plant are inedible (toxic) to humans, and most animals and birds. It produces for 50 years. A small tree or shrub with a maximum height of 5 m, Jatropha curcas reportedly grows readily in areas of low rainfall (from 250 mm a year) and in poor soils, however, yield … Read more

Biofuel Roadmap Barriers

by Alice Friedemann Released April 10, 2007 “The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt Peak Soil: Why Cellulosic ethanol and other Biofuels are Not Sustainable and are a Threat to America’s National Security  Part 1. The Dirt on Dirt.  Part 2. The Poop on Ethanol: Energy Returned on Energy Invested (EROEI)  Part 3. Biofuel is a Grim Reaper.  Part 4. Biodiesel: Can we eat enough … Read more

Nat’l Biodiesel Board’s Life Cycle Paper

In May of 1998, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published the results of the Biodiesel Lifecycle Inventory Study. It compared findings for a comprehensive “cradle to grave” inventory of materials used; energy resources consumed; and air, water and solid waste emissions generated by petroleum diesel fuels and biodiesel in order to compare the total “lifecycle” costs and benefits of each of the fuels. This 3.5-year study followed US … Read more